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Unplug: The cure for information overload
I admit it. I am completely addicted to my cell phone; don't tell anyone, but Candy Crush is my guilty pleasure. Logically I know this...

Our Favorite Piano Care Tips
Your piano will give you and your family a lifetime of music while adding joy and beauty to your home. Since it is such a large...

Celebrating 300 Years of the Piano
The piano is the most popular instrument in existence and continues to be the most favored instrument as we enter its fourth century....

10 Piano Buying Tips
I recently got a call from a customer that was in a panic. Their child had just started piano lessons and already wanted to quit. The...

How often should I tune my piano?
One of the most frequently asked questions I receive; how often should I tune my piano? Because your piano contains wood and felt, the...

Is my child ready?
In a few weeks many parents will be celebrating the parent version of Christmas - the first day of school! No more lazy days of nothing...

Being a Piano Tuner
Fortunately, the Piano Technicians Guild helps many men and women attain their RPT.

Should I buy a piano from Craigslist?
We frequently get emails from people looking to buy a used piano they found on Craigslist. It's usually around the $100 price range, and...
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